The hosts file may also be blocking the iTunes Store.
If you want to have Windows try to restore the hosts to default, follow the "FixIt" in How do I reset the hosts file back to the default?.
Note: Work systems may put information into the hosts file. Consult whomever is responsible for supporting Windows on your system before resetting the hosts file to default.
If restoring the defaults did not resolve the issue, you can find your hosts file at C:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM32\DRIVERS\ETC .
Select the hosts file. Choose Edit > Copy, and then choose Edit > Paste.
There should now be a duplicate of the hosts file named "Copy of hosts" (Windows XP) or "hosts -Copy" (Windows Vista/7).
Drag the original hosts file to your Desktop. If Windows needs your permission to continue, click Continue.
Drag the "Copy of hosts" (Windows XP) or "hosts -Copy" (Windows Vista/7) to the Desktop.
Right-click "Copy of hosts" (Windows XP) or "hosts -Copy" (Windows Vista/7) and choose Open. You may be prompted to choose the program you want to use to open this file. Double-click Notepad.
When Notepad opens, choose Edit > Select All, and then choose Edit > Delete.
From the File menu,choose Save. Quit Notepad.
Drag the "Copy of hosts" (Windows XP) or "hosts -Copy" (Windows Vista/7) file from your Desktop back into the original location (given in step 2). If Windows needs your permission to continue, click Continue.
Right-click the "Copy of hosts" (Windows XP) or "hosts -Copy" (Windows Vista/7) file, and choose Rename. Type "hosts" (without quotation marks) and press Enter.
Restart your computer and try connecting to the iTunes Store.
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18 commentaires
my iPhone does the same thing
par imani
I just had this error, I removed screen, changed battery for another one from a spare phone, connected old screen back on, and YES no more error 21, phone restored fine and working without problem.
par jeffa
ps old battery ribbon connection was damaged.
par jeffa
my phone restore, keep getting Error YES no more error 21, phone restored
par Ankit Gupta
i need help mine does the same thing and it gets me so frusturated ive tried everything to restore it but nothing. please help!!!
par karisma alvarez
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