Oluseun, here is my answer from an identical question "The Kinect diagram shows a total of nine strands I attach a diagram with this message. The Xbox Kinect, when you purchase it on its own, will come with a USB converter cable that turns the special Kinect cable into a USB connection. The actually pairing should be:
Shield-Black=Shield; Gnd
White-White= Data-
Green-Green= Data+
== Update ==
May be this shows it better. from [http://www.xbox360iso.com/|here]
Oluseun, here is my answer from an identical question "The Kinect diagram shows a total of nine strands I attach a diagram with this message. The Xbox Kinect, when you purchase it on its own, will come with a USB converter cable that turns the special Kinect cable into a USB connection. The actually pairing should be:
Shield-Black=Shield; Gnd
White-White= Data-
Green-Green= Data+