Rodrigo Perez, [http://Dell Inspiron N5030|here is] a decent video that will show you how to replace your keyboard. I also suggest that you download the service manual [,d.cWc|from here.] the manual will tell you exactly what to do . Hope this helps, good luck.
Rodrigo Perez, [|here is] a decent video that will show you how to replace your keyboard. I also suggest that you download the service manual [,d.cWc|from here.] the manual will tell you exactly what to do . Hope this helps, good luck.
Rodrigo Perez, [http://Dell Inspiron N5030|here is] a decent video that will show you how to replace your keyboard. I also suggest that you download the service manual [,d.cWc|from here.] the manual will tell you exactly what to do . Hope this helps, good luck.