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Version actuelle par : bac


maybe a silly question, but have you checked if the contacts in the headphone jack are slightly bent? or corroded or dirty?
-if I understand you correctly, the built-in speakers don't work but headphones do, and partially inserting a headphone plug turns back on the built-in speakers? if so, I would suspect that the contact point inside the jack - the contact that's opened when headphones are inserted - may be causing you trouble, i.e. stuck open without the headphone inserted. I'm assuming here there's no fancy electronic switching between outputs; usually these headphone jacks are just mechanical switches.
+if I understand you correctly, the built-in speakers don't work but headphones do, and partially inserting a headphone plug turns back on the built-in speakers? if so, I would suspect that the contact point inside the jack - the contact that's normally closed but opened when headphones are inserted - may be causing you trouble, i.e. stuck open without the headphone inserted. I'm assuming here there's no fancy electronic switching between outputs; usually these headphone jacks are just mechanical switches.
if you open up your laptop, can you check the connectivity of all the jack's connections with a VOM?
another thing to try - perhaps try some electronic contact cleaner (the aerosol type) in case there's some corrosion on that contact causing the circuit to stay open without some pressure from your plug.



Contribution d'origine par : bac


maybe a silly question, but have you checked if the contacts in the headphone jack are slightly bent? or corroded or dirty?

if I understand you correctly, the built-in speakers don't work but headphones do, and partially inserting a headphone plug turns back on the built-in speakers? if so, I would suspect that the contact point inside the jack - the contact that's opened when headphones are inserted - may be causing you trouble, i.e. stuck open without the headphone inserted. I'm assuming here there's no fancy electronic switching between outputs; usually these headphone jacks are just mechanical switches.

if you open up your laptop, can you check the connectivity of all the jack's connections with a VOM?

another thing to try - perhaps try some electronic contact cleaner (the aerosol type) in case there's some corrosion on that contact causing the circuit to stay open without some pressure from your plug.

