My 1st Gen NEST (eBay) arrived in a box ("mangled" like it was run over by a truck) in a USPS plastic bag denoted: RECEIVED UNSEALED and RECEIVED DAMAGED. Connecting it to either my furnace/AC or USB gives the same B&W image like shards of glass (one section in white resembles Egypt). Does this mean the display is destroyed? Any hope to fix it (new display?, where?). Thanks
My 1st Gen NEST (eBay) arrived in a box ("mangled" like it was run over by a truck) in a USPS plastic bag denoted: RECEIVED UNSEALED and RECEIVED DAMAGED. Connecting it to either my furnace/AC or USB gives the same B&W image like shards of glass (one section in white resembles Egypt). Does this mean the display is destroyed? Any hope to fix it (new display?, where?). Thanks
Photos of NEST mutilated package & display via USB (same for furnace/AC) at:
My 1st Gen NEST (eBay) arrived in a box ("mangled" like it was run over by a truck) in a USPS plastic bag denoted: RECEIVED UNSEALED and RECEIVED DAMAGED. Connecting it to either my furnace/AC or USB gives the same B&W image like shards of glass (one section in white resembles Egypt). Does this mean the display is destroyed? Any hope to fix it (new display?, where?). Thanks