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Version actuelle par : zzz


-Same old $@$*, check R7020, R7021, R7022, R7050, R7051, R7052, and traces between all these resistors and U7000.
+Same old $@$*, check R7020, R7021, R7022, R7050, R7051, R7052, and traces between all these resistors and U7000.
-Extra credit to anyone who can use their brain and tell me why I am suggesting this instead of blindly monkey-see-monkey-do linking to another thread stating that since x worked for someone else's problem it'll work for this guy's. Learning is good, it engages brains!
+Extra credit to anyone who can use their brain and tell me why I am suggesting this instead of blindly monkey-see-monkey-do linking to another thread stating that since x worked for someone else's problem it'll work for this guy's. Thinking is good, it engages brains!



Modifié par : zzz


-Same old $@$*, check R7020, R7021, R7022, R7050, R7051, R7052, and traces between all these resistors and U7000.
+Same old $@$*, check R7020, R7021, R7022, R7050, R7051, R7052, and traces between all these resistors and U7000.
+Extra credit to anyone who can use their brain and tell me why I am suggesting this instead of blindly monkey-see-monkey-do linking to another thread stating that since x worked for someone else's problem it'll work for this guy's. Learning is good, it engages brains!



Contribution d'origine par : zzz


Same old $@$*, check R7020, R7021, R7022, R7050, R7051, R7052, and traces between all these resistors and U7000.

