I had the same problem but just about an hour ago I decided that maybe I should pop the back off and disconnect the battery and leave it off for a few, well what do you know I plugged it back in 5-10 minutes ago and it is now at 7% charged so my advice to you and to everyone that has this same problem is to plug it into the charger for a bit until you are able to turn it on, after it is on but stuck at 0%-1% shut it down, once it is shut down pop the back off, unplug the battery for a short while, plug it back in after say 10-20 minutes then immediately plug it back into the charger and turn the DV8 back on and let it sit until fully charged. I hope this helps everyone this happens to, I was extremely mad that mine wouldnt recharge and my device was just barely out of warranty so I took matters into my own hands and what do you know it worked. Some more advice to everyone is dont listen the the manufacturer, they just want you to spend more money, take your device to a repair shop or do it yourself I mean if you brake it then !&&* it was broken before you started to try to repair it so what do you have to lose you could also learn some of the inner workings that way as well also as I am typing now my battery is now at 13% charged so cheers guys and girls I hope what I have said here helps everyone with there " Plugged In Not Charging" problem