See if you can find a dealers/chilton/hemmings manual ''maybe at a local library or technical school library ''that can walk you through disabling the unit. Google some Cadillac discussion boards and see if anyone else can offer advice.
See if you can find a dealers/chilton/hemmings manual ''maybe at a local library or technical school library ''that can walk you through bypassing/disabling the unit. Google some Cadillac discussion boards and see if anyone else can offer advice. It took me less than 10 seconds to find '''One thread that said there could be up to 50 problems that can cause those symptom. '''
'''If this answer was helpful please remember to mark it accepted.'''
== It's your theft system ==
See if you can find a dealers/chilton/hemmings manual ''maybe at a local library or technical school library ''that can walk you through disabling the unit. Google some Cadillac discussion boards and see if anyone else can offer advice.
'''If this answer was helpful please remember to mark it accepted.'''
Good Luck,