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Contribution d'origine par : Gia


Can I replace the wrist band of the charge HR?


One day I left my hr in the car on a hot day in Arizona, I took it off because I was going to go swimming. When I came back to get it, the wrist band started to bubble off the actual device.  Later the next week I was getting out of the car and my fitbit hit the door and totally fell apart. Now the actual mechanics of the fitbit was out. The next day I had my dad try and fix it (he does engineering) but all he did was stick some strong waterproofing glue all on it that stuck the pieces together but my dad on the drive to me had it in a place under the sun and it started to bubble again. '''So here is my question, is there a way to replace the whole wrist band of the fitbit?'''


Fitbit Charge HR

