The flash used to come on automatically whenever I take pictures in the dark. Now, when I take pictures, the flash does not come on even when the indicator on the display tells me it's on.
The flash used to come on automatically whenever I take pictures in the dark. Now, when I take pictures, the flash does not come on despite the on screen indicator telling me it is.
The flash used to come one automatically whenever I take pictures in the dark. Now, when I take pictures, the flash does not come on even when the indicator on the display tells me it's on.
The flash used to come on automatically whenever I take pictures in the dark. Now, when I take pictures, the flash does not come on even when the indicator on the display tells me it's on.
I got the flash turned on in my settings,but it still doesn't work when.
The flash used to come one automatically whenever I take pictures in the dark. Now, when I take pictures, the flash does not come on even when the indicator on the display tells me it's on.