ikameshia you can download the service manual for your computer [https://download.lenovo.com/consumer/mobiles_pub/lenovo_y40_50_series_hmm.pdf|from here] The keyboard is considered part of the upper case. Here are some decent instructions on how to remove it :
"The first step to replacing your laptop keyboard is to remove the screws from the back of your Lenovo Ideapad Y50-70. Sometimes your laptop will have a picture of a keyboard next to the screws that need to be removed. Otherwise, see your Y50-70 laptop manual for details.
Above your Lenovo Y50-70 laptop keyboard, you have a cover panel. If required, remove this part to easily access your Lenovo keyboard.
If you have screws above your Lenovo Ideapad Y50-70 Keyboard, remove those screws.
Now that you have removed all the screws, you are ready to remove and then replace your new Lenovo Y50-70 laptop keyboard.
To remove your Y50-70 Keyboard, take a thin object and pry the keyboard out between the keyboard and motherboard. Be careful when removing your Lenovo Ideapad Y50-70 Keyboard.
Now that your keyboard is loose, simply disconnect your Lenovo Y50-70 keyboard. In order to disconnect the keyboard, pay attention to the keyboard connector and connector cable. Unlock the connector cable device and remove your laptop keyboard. Your Lenovo Y50-70 connector cable should be easy to remove by simply sliding it out.
Now that your Y50-70 keyboard has been removed, get ready to install your new Lenovo Y50-70 laptop keyboard. Look at the back of the keyboard. If you see any screw holes, you will have a good idea of where to place the screws back in at the bottom of your Lenovo Ideapad Y50-70 laptop." from [http://www.laptopkeyboard.com/Guides.php/Lenovo/Ideapad/Y50-70/JKBLY50|here.]