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Version actuelle par : L Pfaff


-arzoo arzue, Below is a guide(2nd link) to enable you to get inside device to check and reseat connections in case this is the issue. If screen still not working properly the LCD screen is probably damaged and needs replaced. 1st link is a replacement display if needed, which you can also do a search on for beter pricing perhaps. Good luck. I hope this helped you out, if so let me know by pressing the helpful button.
+arzoo arzue, Sounds like a damage LCD. Below is a guide(2nd link) to enable you to get inside device to check and reseat connections in case this is the issue. If screen still not working properly the LCD screen is probably damaged and needs replaced. 1st link is a replacement display if needed, which you can also do a search on for better pricing perhaps. Good luck. I hope this helped you out, if so let me know by pressing the helpful button.



Modifié par : L Pfaff


-arzoo arzue, Below is a guide to enable you to get inside device to check and reseat connections in case this is the issue. If screen still not working properly the LCD screen is probably damaged and needs replaced. Good luck. I hope this helped you out, if so let me know by pressing the helpful button.
+arzoo arzue, Below is a guide(2nd link) to enable you to get inside device to check and reseat connections in case this is the issue. If screen still not working properly the LCD screen is probably damaged and needs replaced. 1st link is a replacement display if needed, which you can also do a search on for beter pricing perhaps. Good luck. I hope this helped you out, if so let me know by pressing the helpful button.



Contribution d'origine par : L Pfaff


arzoo arzue, Below is a guide to enable you to get inside device to check and reseat connections in case this is the issue. If screen still not working properly the LCD screen is probably damaged and needs replaced.  Good luck. I hope this helped you out, if so let me know by pressing the helpful button.


