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Version actuelle par : Sean M


If I had to take a shot in the dark, I'd wager its a bad hard drive.
Try booting to a linux OS, or use something like Hiren's BootCD or PartedMagic. You can see if it at least boots up with those, then you'll know that its a Software (windows) problem or the HDD. You'll also be able to test the HDD in Hiren's or PartedMagic to confirm its ok/bad.
-If you're feeling adventurous and your other laptop has Windows 10 installed, you could also swap its own hard drive into the troublesome one. Windows 10 is pretty good at booting even if its suddenly in a totally different PC. Just make sure you back up your data, just in case any settings get screwy after it re-configures (not common, but always a chance).
+If you're feeling adventurous and your other laptop has Windows 10 installed, you could also swap its own hard drive into the troublesome one. Windows 10 is pretty good at booting even if its suddenly in a totally different PC. Just make sure you back up your data, just in case any settings get screwy after it re-configures (not common, but always a chance). If it boots up ok, then its pretty likely to just be the OS or HDD.



Contribution d'origine par : Sean M


If I had to take a shot in the dark, I'd wager its a bad hard drive.

Try booting to a linux OS, or use something like Hiren's BootCD or PartedMagic. You can see if it at least boots up with those, then you'll know that its a Software (windows) problem or the HDD. You'll also be able to test the HDD in Hiren's or PartedMagic to confirm its ok/bad.

If you're feeling adventurous and your other laptop has Windows 10 installed, you could also swap its own hard drive into the troublesome one. Windows 10 is pretty good at booting even if its suddenly in a totally different PC. Just make sure you back up your data, just in case any settings get screwy after it re-configures (not common, but always a chance).

