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Contribution d'origine par : kleebro kleebro


Well I finally took the plunge, sort of. With the help of my tech savvy son we, (he) completed the replacement of the keyboard. By the way, Acer intended for this to be a non replaceable, one time use keyboard. Anyway, the process is that you have to remove just about everything. The keyboard is in place with plastic pegs that come through from the front of the laptop and are mushroomed in the rear. You have to snip off the mushroomed ends to free up everything and remove the old keyboard. We then installed the new one and because we had snipped off the ends of the pegs, we had nothing to hold things together. So we pressed things firmly together and used a hot glue gun and just dabbed spots of hot glue where the old mushroomed ends were. Worked perfectly! Buttoned it all back up and fired it up. I now finally have a working Chromebook without the wonky virtual keyboard!

Hope this helps somebody! Good luck!

