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Contribution d'origine par : Eric Viitala


Alright, there are some different things going on with all the vehicles in this thread. Let me try to go thru a few issues that I have run into over the years.

First off, as was said before, check your fuses. Most of the time you can find a diagram for the fuses in the owners manual or on the back of the cover(s) for the fuse box(es).

Next, you need to check for power at your window switch. If you are not getting power to the switch, the problem could very well be in the harness where it goes thru the door jamb. This is a very common place for the wires to chafe and break or corrode. I have found the problem in the wire harness more times than not.

Next, using a wire diagram and a connector pinout chart, check that the switch is working by looking for power going toward the window motor.

Before blaming the motor, try all of these other problems. A great deal of the time, the motor is not the problem. No sense tearing the door all apart to change the window motor if you don’t have to. It can be difficult.

If more than one window is giving you trouble, the problem is most likely in the switch and wires. If your motors are running slow, there is most likely an issue with the wiring, particularly the ground.

I think I might have covered most of the issues.

Good luck.

