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Version actuelle par : Tyler Grow


crashing in PS4 is due to one of 2 things from my experience. Overheating, or HDD failure. First step, clean dust out of device and apply new thermal paste. If device still crashes, and you have a good HDD laying around, try and install it in device and see if it fixes it.
Also make sure you have games backed up as once you do a reinstall they’ll be lost from HDD
+Edit: also, I’m unsure of repair shops in Germany, but many over here in the US including the one I work at work on a no fix no charge process. You may have to look around, or maybe there’s one you would be able to ship the device off to for a reasonable shipping cost.



Contribution d'origine par : Tyler Grow


crashing in PS4 is due to one of 2 things from my experience.  Overheating, or HDD failure.  First step, clean dust out of device and apply new thermal paste.  If device still crashes, and you have a good HDD laying around, try and install it in device and see if it fixes it.

Also make sure you have games backed up as once you do a reinstall they’ll be lost from HDD

