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My ipod is stuck on hold


My iPod is stuck on hold or lock and I've tried reset, restore, everything and its still stuck on hold. My iPod still recognize my computer and turns on when i charge it but it i cant navigate or use it when its on lock. I just barely passed my warranty which on screwed i have to fix this myself. How do I replace or fix the hold problem?


iPod Nano 4th Generation



Réponse acceptée:


Modifié par : Nat Welch


-How to fix ipod no warranty
+My ipod is stuck on hold


-my ipod is stuck on hold or lock and I've tried reset, restore, everything and its still stuck on hold. My iPod still recognize my computer and turns on when i charge it but it i cant navigate or use it when its on lock. I just barely passed my warranty which on screwed i have to fix this myself. How do I replace or fix the hold problem?
+My iPod is stuck on hold or lock and I've tried reset, restore, everything and its still stuck on hold. My iPod still recognize my computer and turns on when i charge it but it i cant navigate or use it when its on lock. I just barely passed my warranty which on screwed i have to fix this myself. How do I replace or fix the hold problem?


iPod Nano 4th Generation



Modifié par : Nat Welch


How to fix ipod no warranty


-my ipod is stuck on hold or lock and I've tried reset, restore, everything and its still stuck on hold.My ipod still reconize my computer and turns on when i charge it but it i cant navigate or use it when its on lock. I just barely passed my warranty which on screwed i have to fix this myself. HOW DO I REPLACE OR FIX THE HOLD PROBLEM
+my ipod is stuck on hold or lock and I've tried reset, restore, everything and its still stuck on hold. My iPod still recognize my computer and turns on when i charge it but it i cant navigate or use it when its on lock. I just barely passed my warranty which on screwed i have to fix this myself. How do I replace or fix the hold problem?


iPod Nano 4th Generation



Contribution d'origine par : anthony


How to fix ipod no warranty


my ipod is stuck on hold or lock and I've tried reset, restore, everything and its still stuck on hold.My ipod still reconize my computer and turns on when i charge it but it i cant navigate or use it when its on lock. I just barely passed my warranty which on screwed i have to fix this myself. HOW DO I REPLACE OR FIX THE HOLD PROBLEM


iPod Nano 4th Generation

