1997 Jeep Wrangler 4 Cylinder - High Idle Carburetor
First cleaned carburetor throat, linkage and area with carburetor and throttle cleaner. Did not help the High Idle.
Took to a mechanic. They replaced the Idle Air Control Valve by mechanic . They hooked to computer and checked codes. Re set. Mechanic supposedly checked all vacuum hoses for leaks, none found! $$$$ Still idles fast!!
I replaced the Throttle Control Sensor - still high idle!! More $$
Does idle normally at about 800 rpm’s for a minute, then after short time jumps up to 1600 rpm’s . Will not return to normal idle. Throttle control returns to stop and cable not sticking or hanging up. If you shut off Jeep for a while and restart it will idle normally for a minute then high again.
Help!! Any suggestions on fix?