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-The basic SMC reset procedure has changed relatively recently. With mag-safe unplugged, hold the shift control potion and power for 10 seconds. If that doesn't work, unplug the safe and unplug the battery. Hold power for 5-10 seconds.
+La procédure de réinitialisation SMC de base a changé relativement récemment. Avec mag-safe débranché, maintenez la potion de commande de changement de vitesse et la puissance pendant 10 secondes. Si cela ne fonctionne pas, débranchez le coffre-fort et débranchez la batterie. Maintenez l'alimentation pendant 5 à 10 secondes.
-With the battery disconnected, the mag-safe LED should be green. If it stays orange, the likely culprit is the motherboard. There are power-on pads on the board that you can use to test. If it lights up when these electrodes are shorted, the problem is with the top case. The flat ribbon cable you indicated is the IO Flex. Replacing it would only fix the issues with the IO ports. The DC cable is actually hidden under the flex. The left IO board (circled in your image) would usually fix an issue where a good magnetic safety adapter would not turn on or the IO ports would not work.
+Avec la batterie débranchée, la LED mag-safe doit être verte. S'il reste orange, le coupable probable est la carte mère. Il y a des pads de mise sous tension sur la carte que vous pouvez utiliser pour tester. S'il s'allume lorsque ces électrodes sont en court-circuit, le problème vient du top case.
+Le câble plat plat que vous avez indiqué est le IO Flex. Le remplacer ne résoudrait que les problèmes avec les ports IO. Le câble DC est en fait caché sous le flex. La carte IO gauche (encerclée dans votre image) résoudrait généralement un problème où un adaptateur de sécurité magnétique en bon état ne s’allumait pas ou les ports IO ne fonctionnaient pas.
+Pour plus d'informations, veuillez consulter cet article:



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The basic SMC reset procedure has changed relatively recently. With mag-safe unplugged, hold the shift control potion and power for 10 seconds. If that doesn't work, unplug the safe and unplug the battery. Hold power for 5-10 seconds.

With the battery disconnected, the mag-safe LED should be green. If it stays orange, the likely culprit is the motherboard. There are power-on pads on the board that you can use to test. If it lights up when these electrodes are shorted, the problem is with the top case. The flat ribbon cable you indicated is the IO Flex. Replacing it would only fix the issues with the IO ports. The DC cable is actually hidden under the flex. The left IO board (circled in your image) would usually fix an issue where a good magnetic safety adapter would not turn on or the IO ports would not work.


