It used to die on me ever so often so I replaced the battery. Drove good for a bit and the same thing started happening. If I jumped the car it would start right up until the other day. I've now changed the starter and the entire ignition switch, ignition housing and ignition but it just clicks.
It used to die on me ever so often so I replaced the battery. Drove good for a bit and the same thing started happening. If I jumped the car it would start right up until the other day. I've now changed the starter and the entire ignition switch, ignition housing and ignition but it just clicks.
It used to die on me ever so often so I replaced the battery. Drove good for a bit and the same thing started happening. If I jumped the car it would start right up until the other day. I've now changed the starter and the entire ignition switch, ignition housing and ignition but it just clicks.
It used to die on me ever so often so I replaced the battery. Drove good for a bit and the same thing started happening. If I jumped the car it would start right up until the other day. I've now changed the starter and the entire ignition switch, ignition housing and ignition but it just clicks.