Factory Reset a Nook HD+ (BNTV600) and it keeps experiencing a “Network Problem” after connecting to WiFi. The WiFi setup features an 802.11g router and 802.11n access point connected to the 802.11g router. I have replicated this problem even when the Nook HD+ was only a few feet from the router and access point. Will try to connect to “B&N Store” WiFi at a Barnes & Noble store later.
Not sure if the OS version is updated to 2.2.1 - plugging in the Nook HD+ to a Windows 10 laptop generates no reaction from the laptop or the Nook HD+. The Nook HD+ has been dormant for a long time - date was set to 1999 (due to depleted battery?) after charging and before Factory Reset.
Not sure if the “Skip OoBE” button is accessible - tapping the Factory Reset screen while holding the Volume Up button generates no reaction.
What’s the best way to complete the Setup process at this point?