Hi Sandia,
You say two beeps, is that correct? Your laptop may have a memory problem. You have two RAM modules.
First download the Service manual:
Go to page 73 of the manual and open the cover for the RAM module.
Go to page 80 for removing the keyboard to get to the 2nd RAM module.
[link|https://download.lenovo.com/ibmdl/pub/pc/pccbbs/mobiles_pdf/t430_t430i_hmm_en_0b48304_04.pdf|Download Service Manual:|new_window=true]
Also this video may help as there are two RAM modules:
[link|https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KVVL-qPqK-k|RAM under cover and under keyboard|new_window=true]
Remember to first take the battery out and dicharge any power by pressing the power button.
Release the modules, take them out and reseat it. Sometimes this does the trick.
Does it boot now? No?
Now try with just one module and then the other, as just one module is probably defective.
Replace the one that doesn't work.
Remember to take your time - don't rush. Good luck.