== ***++[[Topic:Marshall Kilburn|Marshall Kilburn Portable Bluetooth Speaker|new_window=true]]++*** ==
Here is a report of the repair of a Kilburn 1
After replacing various components (some were closed) I wanted to...
unable to get it to work.
I found out that when in the sense , leg 6 of the OB 2269 osc. ic.
with only a measuring pen (without measuring lead), the osc. went to work,
and the Kilburn worked normally and also charged the battery again. What now appears, is the ocs.ic
receives a start pulse from the direct current via 2 resistors of 1 mega ohm (R 7 and R 15).
targeted voltage from the power supply electrolytic capacitor, this electrolytic capacitor has a ripple of 100 Hz.
After replacing the resistors, the Kilburn works as it should again.
I don't think this is a mistake that will happen often, but use it to your advantage.
Who knows, you might come across this one day.
In another Kilburn, while charging the battery, it happened
closure came. Luckily I had still connected it via the security lamp
of 100W in series with the mains voltage. Fortunately, this prevented the power supply
was damaged.
Jan Hoeve.