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Version actuelle par : MA7ERICK


-Where can I find replacement keys?
+Where can I find replacement keys? (Logitech K800)


My right shift key on my K800 is broken. One of the tiny tabs that holds it in place gave out. I contacted Logitech "support" and when i got through the multiple levels of AI and talked to a person, they told me they don't stock spare keys.

Seems like a giant E-waste problem to me. Its a simple fix to replace the broken key, but they'd rather me toss this in the garbage and buy a new one, but it won't be from Logitech, I can assure them of that.

If anyone knows where I can get a replacement key, it would save some E-waste.

No E-waste recycling centers closer than 75KM away where I live.


Logitech K800



Contribution d'origine par : MA7ERICK


Where can I find replacement keys?


My right shift key on my K800 is broken. One of the tiny tabs that holds it in place gave out. I contacted Logitech "support" and when i got through the multiple levels of AI and talked to a person, they told me they don't stock spare keys.

Seems like a giant E-waste problem to me. Its a simple fix to replace the broken key, but they'd rather me toss this in the garbage and buy a new one, but it won't be from Logitech, I can assure them of that.

If anyone knows where I can get a replacement key, it would save some E-waste.

No E-waste recycling centers closer than 75KM away where I live.


Logitech K800

