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Version actuelle par : oldturkey03


-@mdmubarrat93251 if you double checked your settings and already tried a new HDMI cable and you still have no HDMI signal, then it is possible that the HDMI IC on your mainboard is not working. We would need to see your mainboard and try to figure out if it is a damaged IC or a damaged circuit. If you can, you can try a replacement main board which should fix this issue
+@mdmubarrat93251 if you double checked your settings and already tried a new HDMI cable and you still have no HDMI signal, then it is possible that the HDMI IC on your mainboard is not working. We would need to see your mainboard and try to figure out if it is a damaged IC or a damaged circuit. Unplug your TV and remove the back cover. Do not touch anything but just take a couple of really well focused picture and post those with your Question. That way we can see what you see.
+ If you want to, you can try a replacement main board which should fix this issue



Contribution d'origine par : oldturkey03


@mdmubarrat93251 if you double checked your settings and already tried a new HDMI cable and you still have no HDMI signal, then it is possible that the HDMI IC on your mainboard is not working. We would need to see your mainboard and try to figure out if it is a damaged IC or a damaged circuit. If you can, you can try a replacement main board which should fix this issue

