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Version actuelle par : oldturkey03


Alarm system going off


My 2000 jeep grand Cherokee alarm goes off every time I open the drivers door. I cannot turn my key any way but to the unlock position with door. I have to get in put key in ignition and shut the  door then turn key to on position to shut off alarm. I’ve got a new battery etc. I’ve done some many many things too many to list but wondering if anybody has ideas I have not tried? Please n thank you


+1999-2004 Jeep Grand Cherokee



Modifié par : Patty W.


Alarm system going off


-My 2000 jeep grand Cherokee alarm goes off every time I open the drivers door. I cannot turn my key any way but to the unlock position with door. I have get on put key on ignition and shirt door then turn let on to shut off. I’ve got a new battery I’ve done some many many too many to list but wondering if anybody has ideas I have not tried? Please n thank you
+My 2000 jeep grand Cherokee alarm goes off every time I open the drivers door. I cannot turn my key any way but to the unlock position with door. I have to get in put key in ignition and shut the door then turn key to on position to shut off alarm. I’ve got a new battery etc. I’ve done some many many things too many to list but wondering if anybody has ideas I have not tried? Please n thank you





Contribution d'origine par : Patty W.


Alarm system going off


My 2000 jeep grand Cherokee alarm goes off every time I open the drivers door. I cannot turn my key any way but to the unlock position with door. I have get on put key on ignition and shirt door then turn let on to shut off. I’ve got a new battery I’ve done some many many too many to list but wondering if anybody has ideas I have not tried? Please n thank you



