Our Panasonic Plasma HDTV TC-P42S30 from 2011/12 finally gave up on us the other night. It had been showing signs of color distortion in the picture (wonky colors and bars but it would dissipate after a bit of time), but we didn't think too much of it. Then, pop! The picture was gone. There was a popping sound, not super loud, no burning smell or smoke.[br]
I opened up the back, assuming I'd see the issue right away (you know, YouTube makes experts of us all), but nothing is burnt our or misshapen or looks anything but normal. A few internet searches told me it's the Y-Board, which I also learned is the panel on the left, but nothing looks abnormal there. I've attached photos of all the boards to this post. Thanks in advance!
Our Panasonic Plasma HDTV TC-P42S30 from 2011/12 finally gave up on us the other night. It had been showing signs of color distortion in the picture (wonky colors and bars but it would dissipate after a bit of time), but we didn't think too much of it. Then, pop! The picture was gone.[br]
Our Panasonic Plasma HDTV TC-P42S30 from 2011/12 finally gave up on us the other night. It had been showing signs of color distortion in the picture (wonky colors and bars but it would dissipate after a bit of time), but we didn't think too much of it. Then, pop! The picture was gone. There was a popping sound, not super loud, no burning smell or smoke.[br]
I opened up the back, assuming I'd see the issue right away (you know, YouTube makes experts of us all), but nothing is burnt our or misshapen or looks anything but normal. A few internet searches told me it's the Y-Board, which I also learned is the panel on the left, but nothing looks abnormal there. I've attached photos of all the boards to this post. Thanks in advance!
Hi there![br]
Our Panasonic Plasma HDTV TC-P42S30 from 2011/12 finally gave up on us the other night. It had been showing signs of color distortion in the picture (wonky colors and bars but it would dissipate after a bit of time), but we didn't think too much of it. Then, pop! The picture was gone.[br]
I opened up the back, assuming I'd see the issue right away (you know, YouTube makes experts of us all), but nothing is burnt our or misshapen or looks anything but normal. A few internet searches told me it's the Y-Board, which I also learned is the panel on the left, but nothing looks abnormal there. I've attached photos of all the boards to this post. Thanks in advance!