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MacBook not turning on after screen flex cable repair failed


First of all sorry for my bad English (bc I'm korean)

Recently I bought a1707 macbook with screen flex cable problem and bios locked

I thought I could fix it but I failed (the flex cable is cutted) plus I tried to fix bios with ch341 but I guess this failed too (ic not responding error)

But after reassemble macbook it's not turning on

Did this repair while battery cable is unplugged so think is not shorted

USB meter says 19.6v 10~20w 0.5~1a and no keyboard or track pad respond or light

Plus I assume display will not work bc of cutted flex cable

Tried:smc reset/unplug charger and press power button for 10sec and plug/nvram reset

If have any kind of solution pls tell me

Thank you for reading long text :)


MacBook Pro 15" Touch Bar 2017

