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Contribution d'origine par : Milo Firestar


Hey, @donrimmer

Check to make sure that rotation lock isn’t engaged.  Rotation lock setting is accessible through Control Center which you can access by swiping down from the right top corner of your screen.  The icon for rotation lock looks like a clockwise pointing circular arrow around a lock. If you don’t see it you may have to add the option of Rotation Lock to your control center.  This process is differs slightly depending on whether or not you are running iOS 18.  If you are running 18, simply open Control Center, click and hold in any blank area on the screen (not occupied by a button) and then it will say “add control”.  Click this and search for Rotation Lock”.

If you are running iOS 17 or lower, simply head into Settings > Control Center > scroll down and find the Rotation Lock option and click the green plus to the left of it.  It will now appear in Control Center and you should be able to turn it off.

Keep me posted,



