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So much easier than expected!

jessicaannepurs -

MacBook Pro 13" Unibody Early 2011

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MacBook Pro 13" Unibody Early 2011 Hard Drive Cable Replacement

15 minutes


Mon problème

Laptop froze, and when I hard-shutdown and restarted, it hung on the flashing question mark in a folder screen. It's too old for the Apple Store to work on, and the interwebs told me to replace the cable.

Ma solution

I was super-freaked out to have to touch the battery connector and the logic board, but the guide was very easy to follow. The only problem I had was trying to place the sticky part of the new cable on the case; it took a while to figure out the best positioning... but, I mean, that was all of 30 seconds and not actually relevant to whether the repair was done correctly.

Followed the instructions in reverse order, sent a little prayer up, hit the power button, and cheered when the little apple came up on my screen! I felt like an amazing engineer.

Mon conseil

Read the instructions first. Don't rush. Go step-by-step. Have a place to put all the tiny tiny screws picked out beforehand.

Image Spudger


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Un commentaire

Congratulations on your first repair. You'll be able to keep in going for a long time repairing it yourself

Brent Hillyer - Réponse

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