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Easy swap, give it a try!

youmingc -

iPhone 5

How to replace your iPhone 5 battery

How to replace your iPhone 5 battery

15 minutes - 1 heure


Mon problème

Checked Log-aggregated and maxBattery life went from 799-1000. Decline in battery life. Shuts off at random, sometimes at 25%, sometimes at 35% (and 10% or less) without warning. Although before I did the swap, it started to get better.

Ma solution

I am no MacGuyver, but love how things worked. Easy with the guide. Once I understood how it worked, it's not bad. I took apart the 2nd time next day the clean the lens, but no can do, still have dust particles, oh well. Maybe new camera swap next time?

Screws are tiny, KEEP TRACK of which goes where.

Mon conseil

Glue on the battery was most difficult, the rest was just like the guide. (Suction cup was easier than expected, but yes, give it a nice tug)

Image iPhone 5 Battery
iPhone 5 Battery


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