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Comment forcer le redémarrage de l'iPhone 11

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  1. Comment forcer le redémarrage de l'iPhone 11, Comment forcer le redémarrage de l'iPhone 11: étape 1, image 1 de 1
    • Appuyez brièvement sur le bouton d’augmentation du volume (1)

    • Appuyez ensuite brièvement sur le bouton de diminution du volume (2)

    • Il faut vraiment appuyer très brièvement

    Ça ne fonctionne pas

    Niego - Réponse

    Toujours pas

    Niego - Réponse


    droite c est SIri



    Niego - Réponse

    Nope, didn’t work.

    Lesley Lupo - Réponse

    That didn’t work

    tora324 - Réponse

    It worked for me. Thanks!

    Donald Fournier - Réponse

    Would u mind explaining it plz !??

    Danny Joanna -

    Quickly pressing the volume up button only takes a screen capture! It doesn’t help force restarting your iPhone. Anddoing the same with volume down button does nothing. The others are right, it doesn’t work!

    chrispatch43 - Réponse

    It does work, press the volume up first, then volume down, and hold the side button, it will go dark and in about 10 seconds the logo will appear

    angela k - Réponse

    Not only did it not work but if that’s actually the way to do it then it’s incredibly stupid, it’s so easy to mess up and have to repeat 50 times before it works. It was so much easier when iPhones had d-a-m-n home button…

    PhantomBrainy - Réponse

    Beim iPhone 11 muss man die beiden Tasten (1) und (2) gleichzeitig und etwas länger drücken!

    Bernd Sonneck - Réponse

  2. Comment forcer le redémarrage de l'iPhone 11: étape 2, image 1 de 1
    • Pour finir, maintenez le bouton latéral enfoncé jusqu’à ce que le logo Apple apparaisse (3)

    i had to do this when my i screen freezed up and all pitcher on the screen started to drain

    thanks john uk

    John Walters - Réponse

    GREAT advice, I was able to get my phone working right away! Appreciate your instructions.

    mrskimberlymoore - Réponse

    I tried it & it does not work at all.

    R4zzle - Réponse

    I tried it several times and it didn't work. What next?

    sharon.cermak -

    My husband and I both just got new iphone11s & he has had to do this twice in 6 days. Both times the screen froze on the control center. We are used to Android's so the first night he tried resetting by holding down volume up and power, and it dialed 911. He could talk to dispatcher but couldn't unfreeze the screen. First time he had it charging on his Samsung's wireless charger and woke up to find it frozen, second time he was trying to go “back” while using it in the rain.

    This did work both times to get it up and running. Just strange it hasn't happened to me once, but him twice in the first week.

    Susanna Brooke - Réponse

    Fabulous. Many thanks. Up and running again x

    dawnb63 - Réponse

    worked for me too! Thank you to whoever posted this

    jill.warland -

    I tried the 3 steps my phone won’t turn off

    laquita9522 - Réponse

    phone won’t restart still:(

    maria grgs - Réponse

    My I-phone 11 is only 2 weeks. It froze and I can not turn it off.

    Terry Dotson - Réponse

    Mine tells me to connect to iTunes

    ive done these steps a lot, I’ll get the logo, then that goes off & then it tells me to go to iTunes

    louise moore - Réponse

    I am not done, my phone is still not working

    louise moore - Réponse

    cela a marché du premier coup MERCI

    Debora DeA - Réponse

    mine is freezing on apps and the side Botton randomly stops working and I have tried taking out my SIM card to reset that but nothing .

    Bethany Robinson - Réponse

    Mine is frozen and the up/down button didn’t make a difference, it doesn’t work. I’ve loved IPhones since 4 but this 11 model is so bad, I’m probably going to switch.

    Lesley Lupo - Réponse

    This does’nt work

    Aaliyah - Réponse

    Thank you so much for your help

    Anita Kami - Réponse

    Thanks! That fix helped to recover my wife’s phone after it stopped being responsive.

    Joe Cook - Réponse

    this didn't work. i can press the widgets but it won't go on. i am receiving messages can't view them. i can delete them.

    loude330 - Réponse

    Didn't work and it's just the same info Apple gives you so show me what to do if this method doesn't work?

    Inzentive Media - Réponse

    This phone is f’ed up. The step no longer works. The firmware is glitchy

    ANP Sir - Réponse

    what do I do if this doesn’t work and my iPhone screen is still frozen?

    Cristian Gonzalez - Réponse

    it's not working!

    Sheryll - Réponse

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60 commentaires

i’d like to know why my phone needs to reboot though? I’ve had it for like 2 weeks and it freezes sometimes and this should not be happening? What triggers this to happen?

yeidi - Réponse

Same problem with my iPhone 11. 2x this week!

Rudy Albrecht - Réponse

My phone will not responding to anything and it won’t force restart either it’s completely frozen

wolfvogel195 - Réponse

My phone is doing the same thing, did you find a solution?

Johnnie Dickens -

Mine also won’t respond to anything and won’t restart - did anyone find another way?

Mel -

this is my problem to. I would like an answer I don’t get it!

•Cadence the Sloth• -

When I’m on a telephone call I cannot put my speaker phone on. There is no icon to turn on speakerphone. But when I put the speakerphone on before the call I can’t turn it off during the call, everybody hears my call.

jcornejo365 - Réponse

This solution worked for me. My phone was stuck on the loading circle. The key is to quickly press the up, then down volume button in succession (don’t hold them) and then hold the power button until you see the apple logo. Thanks @yvaneck

Rus Cordova - Réponse

Ya ! Thanks for the key , it did work :)

Divya R -

thank you! it did work, finally! the key was-’’ (DONT HOLD THEM)’’ !

marinaperrott25 -

That was it. Needed to do the sequence quickly. Thanks

Bradley E -

Anyone have any tips for when the Up/Down/Side Button process does NOT work?

I’ve had the phone for a week and it’s just not working now and this process does not work.

Matt Peloquin - Réponse

Correction to the Instruction above

(can’t believe Apple doesn’t correct it):

1. Press once and release volume up button,

2. then press once and release volume down button,

3. then hold the Side button till apple logo appears.

Andi amHappy -

I don't know if this will help. I rang Apple and they told me to use iTunes to restore, if on Windows computer and you are using the app, uninstall this. Then download the full version direct from Apple's website. It worked for me…the app get bringing up an error message.

Paul Taberner - Réponse

My iPhone 11, latest software and it has a circle of lines Spiraling in a circle clockwise I can’t hard restart it it’s just burning up the battery I guess the only way to restart it is to let it die .

Rickey Amar - Réponse

I put mine in the fridge couple hours… did not changed anything

Melanie Synnott -

It worked for me! Thanks!

rnavedojr - Réponse

This doesn’t work for me. When I follow the stated directions it goes to a black screen asking if I want to power down (completely). No Apple logo. No restart.

Kaste427 - Réponse

Same here. Mine only either lets me call emergency services or just slide to power off.

R4zzle -

You have keep holding the power button in for about another 10 to 15 seconds after the “slide to shutdown” screen appears. Then it will go black. KEEP holding the button down until the Apple logo appears! (Another 5 to 10 seconds). Patience!

Ashley Riddell -

Try Settings >General >Reset settings

kkalin - Réponse

try Settings >General >Reset >Reset all settings

kkalin - Réponse

This will erase the entire phone. Please don’t do this unless you actually want to reset your phone.

Donald Fournier -

That is an easy fix. While there is no icon, you can touch the hide button that is on the phone while making a call,

and the speaker icon automatically shows up. That it. Good luck

Betty Peterson - Réponse

My phone just went frozen and i can get it to unfreeze from the apple logo… im at day 2 and its still doo g that freeze thing and verizon said i have to order a new phone but i cant even get the personal info to get a my stuff i needed in the phone.

hill_london - Réponse

Genius! Nothing else worked - thanks for the tip!

Kerry Jarman - Réponse

Don’t do this. I did it and my iPhone 11 did an emergency SOS, it was not fun.

Almond Milk - Réponse

VPN on iphone 11 causing quite a few issues would suggest closing that for a start if it is selected on your phone.

george gibson - Réponse

I downloaded iOS 14 on my iPhone 11 and now i can't open any apps and can’t force restart my phone

Any suggestions?

Andrea Skoulariotis - Réponse

I had the same issue but you must accept the risks when using prerelease software. report the bug on and make a backup bofore using the software next time. you may be able to restart using finder or iTunes (iTunes = pre catalina, Finder = catalina+) I was able to restart using this method.

Ari R -

send more help

Rondo Cod - Réponse

phoews fxdisabled

Tash Easey - Réponse

thank you for this tutorial.

yousif - Réponse

my touchscreen isn’t working so i can swipe the slide to power off. Is there another way to shut down my phone?

Colin Park - Réponse

Same with mine too. I tried the iPhone reset routine-press the Vol-up button, then the Vol down button and then held on to the reset button. My phone does restarts int the Siri mode and do not take any inputs made through key board. Unni

Unnikrishnan Nair -

Mines also anyone find a solution

Tj Been That Nigga - Réponse

If these steps aren’t working for you, it’s because Step 1 is incorrect. You don’t double tap. It’s 1 up, 1 down then hold side key until you see Apple logo appear.

Hit Hit - Réponse

My iPhone 7 is displaying overlapping on every page I open please help

Tracy cook - Réponse

Please help my iPhone is displaying overlapping on every page I open !!!!

Tracy cook - Réponse

iphone 11 freezed for the last several hours ? any suggestion s

Daniya Qayyum - Réponse

Thank you! I never comment on things like this but my phone literally WOULD NOT RESTART and I was beginning to get upset. Literally these three steps saved my night!

Ciara Stewart - Réponse

worked for me too. cheeers guys

Santosh Thapa - Réponse

This method for a hard reboot always works, only IF carried out as instructed! The key is to be patient. Once you hold down the power button, it will take an unsettling amount of time to get to the Apple logo, including an interim screen that offers you “Slide to shutdown” which you must ignore and keep holding down, then a black screen that will take another 10 seconds or so before the logo appears.

In other words; hold down the power button and keep it held down until the logo appears!

Ashley Riddell - Réponse

The logo is always on… Whatever I try it won’t work

Melanie Synnott - Réponse

My would not either and when I tried it sounded some kind of siren sound. but after about 5 minutes it suddenly started working again.?? Don’t know what this all means?

C Gotcher - Réponse

iPhone 11. Did the reset with volume up then down then the reset button till the apple logo and still frozen. Did this at all different speeds and still froze on Home Screen

Marty crul - Réponse

You may have a bigger problem than just needing a reset. Go to the Apple Store.

Donald Fournier -

omg same I have idea what to do what did u do ????

Kya Johnson -

thank you thank you I just about $@$* my pants

-Via - - Réponse

Hi I have an iPhone 11 that just updated to the latest update and it keeps freezing up.I can't afford to get a new phone.But ty for helping me to shut it down.I'm Elizabeth

carolinamom1953 - Réponse

It worked ! My phone wouldn't turn off the usual way, I couldn't use any app nor turn it off. Thanks for saving me ! xx

alison.cntrs - Réponse

iCloud unlock problems

Mohamed Elsayed - Réponse

Iphone11 qu’ont je ferais la mise à jour il s’éteint puis ne démarre pas pourquoi

naçer diaspora - Réponse

Thank You for this guide, I was at work today and drop the phone a very small distance (could not have been more than two feet, and I drop this phone more than a dozen times before to no damage) and the phone went dark and became unresponsive, it stressed me out for the rest of the work day due to how anxious I can become. As soon as I come home I was prepared to open up the phone with my Moray Driver Kit, and I when I was on the page for the phone that I saw the force restart option and decided to try it out. I was thinking it could not have been so easy (I though the drop might have loosen the display or battery ribbon cable) but lo-and-behold it boot up. I learn a very useful tip for iPhone today thanks to you guys.

An Bui - Réponse

To all the people that experienced Problems but they’re iPhone 11 and commented on here. I have a question for you are did it happen to happen shortly after a iOS update?

Bruce - Réponse

The up and down and power button thing did work !

Themis Kapsi - Réponse

I didn’t work for me please provide another solution

lulu 00 - Réponse

My iphone 11 screen went black this morning and when I put it on the charger for 6 hours it still is black. Tried to hard reset and that was not successful. Any tips on how to get my phone powered back on?

Kawan Lever - Réponse

I forget password

Thobeka - Réponse

Meu está indispensável

Carlos Albano Mulei - Réponse

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