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LeapPad 2 Won’t Turn On
The device doesn't turn on when pressing the power button.
Drained batteries
If you have been using your device a lot lately or you can’t even remember the last time you used it, it’s possible that the batteries are dead. To change the batteries, open both of the panels of the device and replace the old AA batteries with new ones. For further help refer to this guide: Remplacement de la batterie duLeapFrog LeapPad 2
Screen hardware failure
If the device does not seem to power on even with a fresh set of batteries, then there may be an issue with the screen hardware. For instructions on replacement of the screen hardware, refer to this guide: Remplacement de l'ensemble d'écran du LeapFrog LeapPad 2
Unresponsive Touchscreen
The screen does not respond when trying to use the stylus on the device.
Screen needs to be recalibrated
If your screen is not responding to the stylus that comes with the device, then you may need to recalibrate it. First, to do so make sure the device is on then hold the home and volume up button. Once this is done, you will be brought to the parents menu where you will select “Screen Calibration”. Five “+” signs will appear on this page at a time. Click the center of each “+” sign to complete the calibration.
Debris may be on the screen
Make sure there is no debris either on the screen of your LeapPad, or stuck between the screen and the casing. Any debris applying constant pressure to the screen may interfere with the touch from the stylus pen.
Inaudible or Distorted Sound from Speakers or Headphones
The sound does not play or it comes through choppy.
Volume adjustment
Make sure the device volume is not set all the way down; try adjusting the tablet volume up.
Faulty headphones
If there’s is no sound coming from your headphones, it’s possible they may be broken. Try plugging them into another device. If sound emits from the headphones when used with another device, then the audio jack may be the problem, but if not, then a new pair of headphones is recommended.
Dirty/faulty audio jack
If you determined that your headphones function properly with other devices, then the problem most likely originates from the audio jack being dirty or faulty. We recommend using compressed air or another form of air duster to clean the audio port. After cleaning the jack, test it with headphones again. If you still experience issues with sound output, you may need to replace the audio port. There is not currently a guide for replacing the audio port; there is only the following guide for replacing the motherboard (including the audio port): Remplacement de la carte mère du LeapFrog LeapPad 2
Bad speaker
If there is no sound coming from the speaker, there are a couple possible reasons for this. The first is the connecting wire between the speaker and the motherboard could have been severed somehow and it will need to be reconnected. If this is not the problem, another solution could be just to replace the bad speaker entirely. Refer to this guide: Remplacement du haut-parleur du LeapFrog LeapPad 2
Buttons are Stuck
The buttons are stuck and hard to press down.
Dirt underneath the buttons
If the buttons are hard to press and sometimes get stuck, then there may be dirt stuck underneath them. You will have to remove the front cover and spray the device with a powered air duster. Refer to this guide: Remplacement du boitier avant du LeapFrog LeapPad 2
Camera Takes Black or Distorted Pictures
Pictures taken using the LeapPad 2 front or rear camera do not turn out well.
Camera is dirty or obstructed
The camera lenses must be kept clean and free of debris to function properly. Check that there is no debris on the camera lens. Clean the lens with a soft, dry cloth (e.g. microfiber cloth) to remove any visible debris.
Camera hardware failure
If the poor picture quality is not due to a dirty lens, then the internal camera sensor hardware may have failed. For instructions on replacement of the camera hardware, refer to our guides: Remplacement de la caméra arrière du LeapFrog LeapPad 2, Remplacement de la caméra avant du LeapFrog LeapPad 2
5 commentaires
I just got LeapPad2 at a garage sale. I got it up and running. I reset it, but it won't work on just the batteries. Is there an issue known issue?
heidi wilson - Réponse
My leappad 2 starts up but is stuck on the first page that says leapfrog,any ideas please?
Andy Barney - Réponse
My leappad 2 starts up but won't go past the first page how do I fix it
Jelly-Ash -
Is it possible for my leap pad2 to not work because it hasn’t been used for 5 years? Maybe the corrosion got to it?
Katieluvsyou - Réponse
I don't know, maybe you should check the inside if there is any corrosion or damaged parts. I had mine for 11 years and it still worked fine.
Marie Girol -