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Laptop is Running at Very High Temperatures:
While running your laptop, your device shuts off due to it being overheated.
Dirty Fan
A very common reason for your laptop’s black screen is your device getting overheated. This may occur because of dust, dirt, hair, or grime stuck across your laptop’s fan, which makes it difficult for it to cool down the laptop properly.
Battery Won’t Charge:
Your laptop won't be charged despite receiving the message,”“plugged in, but not charging”.
Faulty Battery
The faulty battery could be a possible reason. Unplug the charger from the battery source, and if your laptop suddenly goes blank, then it's a battery issue. Try to replace your battery with a working one for confirmation
Short Battery Life:
Your laptop is supposed to have about 6 hours of battery capacity, but it seems your battery depletes even quicker.
Aged Battery
All batteries will lose some capacity over time. Each time you discharge and recharge your battery, you will lose a very small amount of this capacity. Update your drivers, operating system, and applications to get the most life out of your battery.
Applications Draining Battery
The battery will lose capacity when left in a system without the AC power attached because the system will draw a small amount of current that will deplete the capacity over time. This is normal for the laptop. To save battery, search for “See which apps are affecting your battery life”, and view the list of applications to manage your capacity.
You can use this link for reference:
Troubleshooting battery issues - ThinkPad
Keyboard Not Responding:
The keys, or at least some of them, fail to respond on your keyboard.
Certain Keys Aren’t Being Recorded
Using an accessory like Notepad, press each letter, number, and special key to see if it’s being recorded properly. The ones that aren’t should be replaced.
Drivers Aren’t Updated
The reason why it is not responding could also be because the keyboard driver is outdated, check if the latest HotKey driver is installed, if it isn't, make sure to update. Also check if the latest BIOS files for all ThinkPad systems
USB is Not Securely Installed
Check if the USB cable is installed securely. If you feel unsure, try installing the cable into a different USB Port. Check this guide for any other issues. Troubleshooting keyboard issues - Windows - ThinkPad - Lenovo Support US
Device Won’t Turn On:
Despite the laptop being plugged in, the laptop won’t turn on when you press the power button.
Bad Power Adapter
This might be an issue with your plug, and will happen when your laptop isn’t getting any power. First, check if your plug is loose, you might need to tighten it. Then, check your adapter, cables, plugs, and charging pins to see if any component is damaged. For example, look for burn marks or check if the cable is twisted. If it happens to be damaged. If you find any damage, contact Lenovo support.
Watch this video for extra help: How To - Laptop Doesn’t Power On - Lenovo Support US
Display-Related Issue
When your laptop is getting power, but still won’t turn on, it might be a issue related to the laptop’s display. Luckily, there is an easy solution for this. The solution involves power-draining your battery, which can be done by holding the power button for at least 15 seconds. Refer to this guide, Lenovo Thinkpad won't turn on? Fix it easily. - The Silicon Underground (
Watch this video for extra help: How To - Laptop Doesn’t Power On - Lenovo Support US
Not Enough RAM:
Despite its other great feature, the laptop only comes with 4 GB of RAM.
Too Much Storage has been Used
Let’s say you used up your RAM and need it to bse upgraded. First, make sure you know the correct type the laptop’s RAM is. Then, refer to this guide to install extra RAM: How To Install More Memory (RAM) in Your Laptop ( Make sure to back up your data in the event something goes wrong.
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