PS4 Will Not Turn On
Issues with getting it on? No fear, we are here.
Blinking Blue Light
Below we have a troubleshooting section for PS4s that are facing the blue light of death , that may help if this is the problem (see Blue Light).
Issue With Outlet
Sometimes there is an issue with the outlet and not your PS4, try plugging your console into another outlet after unplugging all of the cables and re-plugging them into the console.
Continued Problems
If the above solutions do not help contact Sony and inform them of the issue (link below).
PS4 Will Not Eject Disk
Try Ejecting From The Main Menu
If the eject button on the front of your PS4 will not work, try using the eject option by holding down the options button and selecting the item from the menu named eject disk.
Force Eject
As a last resort, it is possible to remove the disk by disassembling the system and force ejecting it, the step-by-step instructions can be found on Sony's site in the link below.
PS4 Freezes
During Installation Of Games
During the instillation of certain games there have been reported issues with freezing. If this is the case, try holding down the power button for 7 seconds and then rebooting the system and restarting the instillation. In some rare cases, issues with the disc may cause this problem and if this is the case, contact the store you purchased it from.
Firmware Malfunctions
If your system continues to freeze, there may be an issue with the firmware, if this is the situation follow these steps: Download system firmware from Sony's website onto a usb flash drive(website link found below), Create a folder on your flash drive named PS4, within this folder create another folder named UPDATE, and within that folder place the recently downloaded file (PS4<update<firmware download), Turn PS4 off and turn it on in safe mode (hold power button for 7 seconds until you hear two beeps), select update system software, and follow the steps on screen.
PS4 Will Not Output Video
Can't see anything on your screen? Check this out.
Issue With HDMI
First make sure that the HDMI cable is correctly plugged into both your television and the console. There have been a small percentage of consoles that have reported faulty HDMI ports. If this seems to be the case, contact Sony about a warranty claim. (Sony's support page can be found at the bottom of troubleshooting, under faulty hardware section)
Improper Resolution
In some cases the television may not be able to support 1080p. In this case, turn off the PS4 and press the power button for 7 seconds until you hear two beeps, connect the controller to the console by USB port and press the PS button on the controller, and select change resolution from the menu.
Issue With TV
Try connecting your console to another television, sometimes there is an issue with the television, not your PS4.
Blue Light
If your system is displaying a blue blinking light on the top of your console, don't toss it yet.
Faulty Power Supply
If there is a possible issue with the power supply press the power button for 7 seconds until the system beeps twice. Disconnect the AC power cord from the electrical outlet. Check for damage to the power cord or port. Next follow our Power Supply Replacement Guide.
Faulty Hard Drive
Issues due to the hard drive can be solved by first turning off the system by holding the power button for 7 seconds until you hear a double beep. Disconnect the power cord and all other cables from the system. Next follow our Hard Drive Replacement Guide.
Faulty Hardware
If there are any other issues with your system, contact Sony for a warranty claim by clinking this link.
30 commentaires
Lightning strike outside last night and knocked out all the power before I could turn my system off. Once it passed I tried to turn the system on , but it will only come on and cut back off. Solution please.
willie smallwood - Réponse
If You did not toss it out yet this might help. I’m 91% sure its the power supply, to replace your power supply, follow this guide [lien de tutoriel non valide]
Grantas vlogs -
System keeps ejecting disc and try to when no disc in fix please
tannerkevin29 - Réponse
My ps4 will come on for about 5 minutes and will shut down due to overheating. If I try to turn it back on it would shut itself off right away under the same fault. Could it be the power supply not energizing the fan???
Jeffrey Gonzalez - Réponse
you need a new fan! Mine did the same. I changed the fan and it works perfectly. I had to do this about a year and half ago and haven't had any problems since.
Jake Taylor -