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Model A1318 / 32 or 64 GB capacity

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How can I fix my iPod Touch when it was soaked in water?

My itouch was soaked in water and somebody tried to power it on but it failed. Is there any way I can still fix and save my ipod touch?

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Hi, you could try to place the device inside a dry bag, or chuck it in a jar of rice and see if the water can be dried out of it but if you have already plugged it in and it's not working you would be best off buying another one as is a pretty good chance the logic board is fried.

water and electronic devices are not usually a good mix :)

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Aimee, before you throw anything out, you do want to at least give it a try. Treat your iPod the same way as you would treat a water damaged iPhone etc. ""the old trusty rice" is great for a first aid and for Gallo pinto :-), but it will not fix your iPod. Rice does not prevent corrosion. The very first thing to do is to disassemble your iPod. Use this guide. Once you have it disassembled clean it with +90% isopropyl alcohol. Do not substitute this with other cleaners :-) Use this guide to see how to clean the iPod. It was written for a 3G but all the steps are pertinent to your device as well. Check for any missing or charred looking components. Once you have it cleaned, replace the battery and reassemble your iPod. Reevaluate for any damage. Hope this helps, good luck.

Image iPod Touch 3rd Generation Logic Board


iPod Touch 3rd Generation Logic Board Replacement

Difficulté :


Image iPhone


Réparer un dommage causé par un liquide sur un iPhone

Difficulté :


1 - 2 hours

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Thank you guys.. I'll try this at home..


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