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A compact version of the HTC One, released August 2013.

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HTC SIM card stuck in slot without tray


Am in the UK so not sure if this model is used elsewhere. Have seen the guide for HTC One Teardown and think this handset would be as difficult to get in to!

Problem is a novice one but I need a solution. The micro SIM has been put in to the SIM slot without the tray. Simple human error except now stuck fast and using the pin device thing for SIM ejection doesnt move it.

Brand new phone! Any ideas on what to do apart from send to repairs .Tried needle/pin so far. Is it easy to damage the components doing this?

Many Thanks

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Hello I had that problem once when I was in hospital and a nurse who went to school with my daughter she fixed your iPhone a htc 626 desire. If so you might be able to take the back off. That is what she did to mine and got it out. Hope this helps you. From Eileen in Australia. Make sure you turn your phone off I don't want you to kill your self. Bye


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'''''two words: Paper Clip ;)'''''

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If you have a set of very small tweezers used in medical work, Prehaps, a pair of dental picks to leverage it out.

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2 sewing pins (not needless), hook one on one side, the straight on theother. Use the hooked one to pullit out, keep it from falling backwards with the straight one.

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Get an old pharmacy card or any old debit/credit card (the thinner the plastic card the better) & cut a piece off to fit & slide under one side of the sim card that's stuck in the slot (Be sure to make your piece long enough to where it sticks out about an inch). Once you have slid your piece of plastic into place under one side of the sim card then tilt the plastic piece at an angle so that you are wedging the sim card against your plastic piece & the slot. Then slowly pull the plastic piece out while still keeping the sim card wedged, & the sim card will come out. *MAKE SURE you are holding the phone upside down while doing this, so that the sim card will fall out of the slot & towards the ground. If you don't then the sim card will fall back into the slot when you pull your plastic piece out* I got this idea from another similar idea where the lady used a plastic cover of a notebook to cut her piece from. I improvised & used my old pharmacy card....both ideas work the first try.

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I used a needle. First I bent the needle at right angle about 1cm above the sharp end using a plyers. Then cut the tip just before the bend, so you end up with a short needle with a small bend at the end which acts as a hook.

I inserted the needle bend side first in the slot where the small gap between the sim and the slot end is, and hooked out the sim.

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I was told by the help desk to switch my sim card to another, which I knew was working ok, so I started doing what one knows is the right way, BUT then the card drawer came out, leaving the SIM in the phone.

WHO is to blame??

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hello guys i have the same problem bt i solved that if u dont have sim tray than u can try ur sim without tray only sim must be in proper stage...try for few times as i do .....really it gona work...

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Worked like a charm.

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