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L'iPhone 5c d'Apple a été annoncé le 10 septembre 2013. La réparation de cet appareil ressemble aux modèles précédents et nécessitent l'utilisation de tournevis et d'outils pour ouvrir. Disponible en tant que GSM ou CDMA / 8, 16, 32 Go / blanc, rose, jaune, bleu, et vert.

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White Vertical Lines on LCD

I have tried replacing the LCD/digitizer assembly twice on the iPhone 5c. Both screens initially look great and then, after assembly, the LCD starts to display white vertical lines and the digitizer fails to respond. I now have gone through 2 LCDs ($160). My supplier says it is static electricity. My question: Is there a resolution?

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Seller returned money for one assembly. Any one else having these issues?


My phone has two vertical lines on the right side of the screen. Apparently many people are having the same issue. I have read many comments on different websites. Does anyone

know if apple covered this issue?

Is this an intentional defect? Hmmmm....


I went to fix my iphone 5c about these white little squares and they fixed it, and it came back again and they fixed it but it didn;t work, so i think taking it and wasting your money wouldnt fix the problem, i think you should get a new phone instead.


My screen has many white vertical lines when I first unlock it and then there is a clear picture, zoomed in and abnormally bright


its the digitizer flex cable, disconnect it and re connect it.......

to test, remover digitizer flex cable and only install lcd flex cable......Lines should go away...


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Hi everyone!

I am a professional phone repairer from down under and, as everyone else, I too experienced the white vertical lines or the white squares issues.

I have done some research and experimenting, and now I deal with the problem effectively.

This solution is only for lines or squares on the LCD. It's a solution intended for professional repairers; many amateur repairers do damage to the LCD while attempting the repair.

Here come some considerations valid for most of the cases:

1 - The problem doesn't come from a defective screen.

2 - This problem is typically experienced with several screens on the same phone.

3 - The problem arises from static electricity.

4 - The problem doesn't occur often with original screens.

5 - The problem is much more likely to happen with low or deteriorated batteries.

So when I encounter the problem in a particular phone, I follow this sequence:

- Unplug the screen

- Unplug the battery

- Wait 30 seconds

- Brush screen contacts

- Replug the screen and make sure connectors sit properly

- Replug battery

- Test again

I follow this sequence 2 - 3 times at least.

If problem remains unsolved:

- Try a new screen (keep previous screen; it will be good for the next repair)

- Follow previous process again

If problem still remains unresolved and the battery is low or deteriorated (soft or inflated), charge or replace the battery and test again.

- If problem still persists, leave the LCD on the phone and explain to the costumer that the problem will typically disappear after 1-3 days or after recharge. If not, reimburse (hasn't happen to me so far).

Hope this helps someone else.



Image Replace a screen compatible with iPhone 5c. Includes all of the small parts preinstalled in the assembly. 4 inch 640 x 1136 pixel LCD Display, Front Glass Digitizer Panel, Front Camera, Earpiece Speaker, LCD Shield Plate.


iPhone 5c Screen


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Thanks, Miki! This helped me a lot!

De- and retached the battery and flex cables as you described.

Also noticed that the battery was flat, so charged the phone and that seemed to help a lot too.



Thank you Mike You fixed my problem as well, I think it was mostly the dead battery.

I also looked at my connection with a magnifying glass and noticed some black debri on the connection .

I cleaned it with a brush and connected my batterie and screen in the sequence that you suggested.

It now works like it did when it was new


Took me 4 times to unplug, brush connections and replug back in but worked like you said. no more lines!!


I don't understand what you mean by brush screen contacts? Help greatly appreciated.


@Young Benjii , the connector on the logic board where the cable from the LCD is connected. Try to use some electronic connector spray on all the connectors (3) and go over it with a tootbrush.


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This is a common problem with the iPhone 5C, it is caused by the digitizer connector on the logic board. It is a connector that has no metal clips at the ends causing it to be a weak connector. if you try to seat a new screen and mis-align the digitizer connector a few times you will damage one or both ends. Take a look at the connector ends with a 5X loupe and you will see damage on one of both corners. If you see damage on one corner start the alignment of your digitizer connector on the opposite corner. If both are damage you will need to have a new connector soldered on to the logic board. A good test is do your new digitizer snap into place, if yes then you have a good connector.

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I agree with eman05. I've had this happen to me the last time I disassembled an iPhone 5c. In my case, the Digitizer connector wasn't properly seated in its socket on the logic board. But in your case, it sounds like there might be damage on the actual socket.


You are using big words, well not necessary but i dont understand what hose loupe thing are


loupe is a small magnifying glass, you'll often see jewelers using them.


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If you are having thick vertical lines or boxes and digitizers not responding properly then most likely the flex cable going to LCD is damaged or......The digitizer connector is not properly connected to board (the connector is offset). Or you bent flex cable to LCD too much....Also, the metal cover plate screws on putting the proper amount of pressure on the connector sometimes fixes this as well...

Usually the digitizer not responding properly is a dead giveaway the digitizer connector is not properly fastened or misaligned.....Or....its a defective screen.....



Block Image


Has nothing at all to do with "Static"

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pics attached


UNPLUG AND RESEAT DIGITIZER FLEX CABLE USUALLY RESOLVES THE VERTICAL LINE ISSUE ON THE IPHONE 5 5S 5C..... A dead giveaway digitizer connector is misaligned is if the digitizer is no responding properly.....



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I had this problem as well after replacing my screen. White vertical lines down the length of the screen and an unresponsive digitizer. It turned out that the problem was that the flex cable connector was not seated correctly. This is the first cable you connect for the screen (closest to the top of the phone with horizontal orientation). When I removed all three connectors and reseated them, the screen worked perfectly.

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I just completed a broken screen and battery replacement repair on an iPhone 5. I initially got a double stripe down the right half of the screen when I turned on the phone. I then consulted this blog and saw that others had similar experiences. I then re-opened the phone and reset all of the cables that connect the screen to the main body of the iPhone. I now have three lines towards the top of the screen and the bottom of the screen but significantly fainter than the original double lines that appeared the first time. I suspect that the connectors are extremely sensitive and can be easily damaged. At this point, I can live with this screen, it's not perfect, but it's fully functional. It's better than a cracked screen. Now hopefully I won't be looking for a recharge before the end of the day.


Good news! After recharging the phone fully, the white lines disappeared!

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i've also found this to solve the problem (sometimes)


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Reseating the clips is correct.

Also make sure the battery is disconnected throughout the repair.

We have purposely created this lines in the LCD be adding static electricity to the device during the repair, and waiting for the static to dissipate also works.

Reseating the clips is a faster way of grounding out the static, so try that.

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I'm thinking its the little guy I've circled here in red (under the protective black tape). I don't think the replacement flex connections are as exact as Apple. This part circled holds the corner up from sitting perfectly flat. I've seen this in a few phones now.

I've successfully bent the corner of the metal plate on the back side of the flex cable with a set of stiff tweezers but you could damage the connection or cause it to sit worse.

Block Image


After getting a couple "white line" replacement screens to work correctly in other phones, I've concluded you must be very careful with the way you fold the flex cables, make it just like the original. if its got too much curve and not enough of a fold it can make the lcd go wonky. I originally tested the screens without fitting them in the frame and they worked but once i fitted them into the frame i got the white lines. i wasn't paying close enough attention to the folds.

hope this helps someone


So I've had this problem again a couple times, and just in last hour now as well. This last one, I quickly realized the connection wasn't seated properly (which by the way, it is EXTREMLY EASY to seat the lcd flex off to the side and not centred), after connecting hundreds of flex cables, the iPhone 5C is the only one I've had issues with seating correctly. Anyway, even after correctly seating the flex, when I powered the iPhone back on, the lines and other graphics were still burned into the screen, and the backlight was rapidly flashing. I started to swear. Then I just left iPhone to charge up to 100% and the burned in graphics have faded away, and it works correctly!

Lesson learned here: if you realize you made a mistake with the flex, correct your error, then give the phone some time to correct itself, don't freak out right away. I also gave it a couple hard reboots, that's when I noticed the burned graphics starting to fade.

again, I hope this helps someone, White iPhone 5Cs are the devil ;)

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have you ever fixed a moto G (1st gen) screen? cause mine has got a dark line on the left which makes the left corner disfunction, in addition to that, the veritcal line problem... Do you have a solution?


my solution for you is to order the replacement LCD + digitizer assembly and replace the whole thing. watch a youtube video on taking the G apart and decide if its something you believe you can tackle.


How do we make sure it's centered properly?


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I highly doubt it static mate there just palming you off ..

Heard a lot of people on here complaining about white lines in there screen now I haven't got the answer but you could try reseeding the lcd and touch connectors make sure there fully compressed ..

On all my repairs for iPhone 5 and 5c and 5s I use original apple screens and never had a problem mayb you have a cheap screen?

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Thanks for the comment. One of my supplier told me that it is problem with the flex since it is longer than the 5 and more susceptible to damage. He tells me to wait for 3-5 days and all should be good. Never heard of such a thing. Its weird because it was working great for a minute and then I turn it off and back on and vertical white lines and no response to touch.


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my supplier also told me it was static. to let it sit out on desk for a few days then try it again...

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I reseated the ribbon cables to the LCD screen and the white line disappeared.

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I am having the same issues with my 5c screens all the LCDs either are blank or have white lines or the screen flickers. My supplier says others are having the same problems. I am trying another supplier that says they are OEM screens to see if thats any better.

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I was told by my supplier, there aren't OEM screens as Apple does not release them. You have to find the highest quality screen you can. You need to look for OEM-compliant screens.


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I too am having the same issue with iPhone 5C lcd screen assembly. I have been getting my parts from a very reputable US supplier and have ordered about 10 of these screens and have had to return about 6-7 out of 10. The odds are not in my favor. I originally thought the problem was bad ic for lcd after 4 failed screens on same iphone all from same supplier. (highly unusual for this many defective parts in a row from this supplier) Since I don't have another iphone 5c to test my theory, I have recommended my customer to take the iphone to another repair shop and verify with a possible different supplier.

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unplug the sensor flex and see if that fixes it. in my experience it is an issue with the camera/sensor flex having been damaged

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I have had this problem many times. Letting it sit by itself for a few days isn't an option. People drop off their phone to get fixed and they expect it to be returned 30 mins later (give or take). I think it has something to do with where the LCD flex attaches to the actual LCD. I've tried everything short of replacing this flex to correct this problem. I've completely disassembled the LCDs of the 5 series phones and this seems to be the most vulnerable spot. I haven't dug quite deep enough to learn whether there is a way to re-attach the LCD flex to the LCD for just the average amateur repairman but I have a feeling that will be pretty much the only solution. And that will require separating the glass from the LCD and basically doing a complete glass only screen replacement and that is a tedious and time consuming task. Especially if you wind up having to replace the backlight too. I know I haven't been much help but maybe this will steer somebody in the right direction so I can learn exactly what the problem is too. I can't take many more defects like this myself.

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This is mainly happen if you drop your phn pretty hard or some how water went under(water vapour or humidity can cause as well). I've faced the same isuue. In my case it was for water. The lines started to come up and the display started to split. The best solution is to open up your display screen, remove cable, clean the socket and attach the cable back. After attaching use some hair dryer in a less humid place and point it directly to your phone (at midium temp)... Its fixed!

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If you need to replace the glass on the unit, i can imagine it's because the unit was victim to accidental damage?

If so, the reason why the problem only arises when the display is seated, is because the enclosure is bent out of shape, and the new LCD panel can't handle the pressure (so to speak).

I've seen this on original screens and 3rd party displays, but mostly on units with a bent enclosure, and it does not have to be a lot. The 5C display does not have a whole lot of flexibility, like the 5 and 5S, because of the extra plastic framing, i'm afraid.

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It was an iPhone 5 I believe. I just noticed the marks on the schematic. I don't know anything about polarized capacitors yet, still in my learning stage. So that may have been part of the problem LOL. But now I thank you, because I will learn go learn about it. It was awhile ago and that phone has been since returned. But have many other issues (Mac/iPad) that I am working on and this (learning) applies to all of that as well.

Ohhh, is that why they looked like diodes? They are polarized capacitors? They are!!! Didn't know they came like that LOL : ) That mystery is solved. #1 dunce : ) but now I know : ) Thanx!

But yes, I figured they were mislabeled diodes and a little familiar with the orientation of diodes and the markings on schematics to match. So yes I matched them up with the line closest to the red bracket icon.

Replaced all 4 & figured if all replaced the problem would be solved, LOL. But Grasshopper still has lot to learn : )

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I was able to track the phone down, so I can work on it some more. I will erase all this irrelevant info I posted and start over again when I get a chance. : )


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to test, try screen without connecting the digitizer flex cable......

Usually if digitizer flex cable is not installed properly u g will get white vertical lines......

If u disconnect digitizer cable and power up screen and no lines....then u know its digitizer flex cable not installed properly ...disconnect and re connect....

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its the digitizer flex cable, disconnect it and re connect it.......

to test, remover digitizer flex cable and only install lcd flex cable......Lines should go away...

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I have a iPhone 5c it had a white line running from top to bottom, restricting certain areas of the screen.

When I bought the phone I was told the battery had been replaced, maybe even screen/digitizer, I'm not sure. That just tells me it probably fell before and it obviously had been opened..

I opened the phone myself and cleaned and tinkered with the digitizer tab, after looking on youtube.

So, it seems, On my phone, If the plate that covers the digitizer (4 screws hold the plate down) is screwed down to tight, then the white line will come back.. If I close the screen in to the phones enclosure completely (like it should be) the phone will periodically go haywire, almost impossible to text..etc

Basically the phone will go haywire unless it is slightly open at the top of the phone..I guess other wise when its closed the screen pushes down on the digitizer plugs inside the phone.... any suggestions?

I loosened the plate in the phone and the vertical line left, I then left the very top of my phones screen slightly cracked as to not put to much pressure on the plugs inside.. and it has been workly perfectly fine. Obviously this isn't ideal, especially if water was present it would get directly into the inside of the phone, but it works perfect for now

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I have 2 white lines on the right side of my ipod 5 screen, i can't move the screen at all and after awhile the screen darkens, same thing?

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Just had this problem when putting screen back on an iPhone 6. 3 Sets of parallel white boxes on the top half of the screen. Miki's solution was very helpful -- thank you. The white boxes went away after about 8 hours after a full charge. Two things I would add: 1) test if the touch screen works completely, including in the areas with the white boxes and 2) test if with the battery removed (not just off), whether you can see the white boxes faintly in the display. If these are both true, it is likely to be static (or some charge) in the digitizer rather than a damaged or incorrectly seated connection that hopefully works itself out with time. The most perplexing part for me was the white boxes when the screen was off (and removed) meaning that there was something with the digitizer rather than the cables.

Thanks again for the comments on this page -- really helped!

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Here this post explains why vertical lines on iPhone after screen replacement:

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Ok buddy I have an iPhone 5c and I dropped it and cracked my screen I order a new screen it came I switched over the back plate the home botton and front camera put the screen in and touch not working right it shadow touches it will open up apps I don't won't to open and typing on the keyboard is impossible so I thought that I got a defective screen I returned that one and got another on again I switched over the back plate and home botton and front camera again and the screen still did the same so I returned that one as well and got another one from a totally diffrent place installed that one and it did the same thing so then I retured that one and got a screen with the back plate and home botton and front camera and in stalled it and all works great so your problem is the back plate that sliver plate on the back of the LCD that is what my problem was try that and let me know

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I have put screens in iPhones for a while now and have never had a problem with static electricity I never use rubber gloves to work on electrics I can't feel the lil screws and I got big hands


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