How to fix just x-axis of right analog?
My Xbox 360 Wired Controller right analog's x-axis is not working. I have checked the potentiometer that works on the x-axis. It's not changing resistance as the one for the y-axis or the two others for the other analog stick are. When I connect the controller to my pc and run x360ce, it shows an initial value on the x-axis and then it reduces to zero without taking any further feed back. When I clear the axis and reassign it, it automatically picks it up. So what I am saying is it has an initial value that is getting picked by the app. Then it reaches zero and refuses to change again.
How can I fix the potentiometer? Or is there something else I should check first? I have opened up the controller.
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2 commentaires
It looks like the potentiometer is giving a very small immeasurable change in resistance.
par Sherjeel Shabih
I am having the same issue. Do you have any fix as yet?
par Aditya