iPhone 5c wifi chip reflow?

Hello, i have a problem with an iphone 5c wich i bought from a guy who told me before it was faulty, so the only problem it has it's the fact that the wifi is not working properly, sometimes works perfectly but at random moments it shut off entirely wich sometimes creates ios to slow alot or even freeze that require me to hard reset the phone. These are the things already tried :

- Restore the IOS with the DFU Mode

- Replacing the wifi Antenna on the top side of the phone.

So my conclusion would be the wifi chip is faulty, so here it is my question, what's the best way to reflow the wifi chip ? I never tried this and i have a heat gun at home, also i'm going to buy a hot air station, so :

- Wich method is the best ?

- At what degrees and how much time i need to reflow the chip ?

Thanks in advance

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