I just replace my iPhone 5 flex cable problem

Hi, I just replace my iPhone 5 flex power cable.

However, the lock button isn't working. But the silent power and volume buttons are working. I tried on both new flex cable.

Is it a problem with the connector port of the cable?

Since the flex cable connects in one piece. Is it possible for the volume button/silent button to work but not the lock button?

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Does it physically click when you press the lock button, just no action occurs as a result. Or, does the lock button not press down now? If it is the second case, the metal bracket may be on the wrong side of the button and not allow it to be depressed.


it does physically click still. just no action occured. the volume buttons and silent buttons are working fine. It can't be that the cable is faulty yes? Because the volume button works


No, the cable can still be faulty. Never put trust unless you know it to have been working. Is there any damage to the connector on the board? Other than a bad cable, I would have to say that the connector is damaged. I think if the connector looks good, a new lock / volume button assembly might be good to try. They're fairly cheap, so nothing to lose.


Alright. I'm praying that it is the cable. I just order a few more in case it doesn't work. Thanks a lot Owen. I'll update!


To add on, if the connector was damage, the volume button won't be able to work either too yes?


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