Microphone for calls is not working

Hi everyone!

I need some help with an htc one m7. The microphone on the bottom wasn't working, i substituted by a new one (usb dock board charging port + microphone) and substituted by a new one too this bottom piece (Bottom Loud Ringer Earpiece Speaker Buzzer). But the problem maintains. The earphones connection doesn't work too, i'm suspecting that i need to substitute the up board where is the other microphone and earphones connection, but i'm not shore about that. My question is, if someone can give me a tip to solve this problem. Thank you for yours attention.

Ps. - I have made this question in another topic (was the wrong place).

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2 commentaires:

I am probably being silly. Is it muted or Is the sound off?



No, is not. Thanks for your help.


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