need app to have address list work in new version as did in 6.3.1

I4 verison model MD276LL A

I broker freight, I send 100' of mass text to carriers with load lists. In 6.3.1 sending texts, where you end in the list of contacts, is where you automatically go back to in address book. With upgrades you automatically go back to the A's- first contact. I can mass text hundreds of contacts my list in 30 min. However with the new versions after 6.3.1 they all default back to the first contact, it takes me 4-6 hours to text the same contacts. I tried to create groups, but the need to add and drop carriers requires, re-creating the groups. I also need the group of 20 contacts to all see the list, but not the other contacts in the group, or their replies to the text. And not to be able to reply to anyone except me. That's how it does now with old software. 2 weeks ago the i4 w/ 6.3.1 started acting up. Some, not all, show message failed, but actually sends multiple duplicate messages. It's intermediate work fine, then start the message fail again. Messages are still sent and receive 2 to 5 copies of the same message) Verizon says its the unsupported software, but if I update it, the address will switch to default and that wont work for me. Apple said should be an app to do it. I don't have time to research it, or really know what to look for. Can anyone help?

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