Why wont my xbox connect To my TV

I've had my xbox one S for a few years and it has been working fine, but recently I tried downloading far cry 4 on it, it downloaded fine and I played it a bit. The next day I tried playing it again but it said it was 88% installed which was odd because I already played it. I waited a while for it to install but it was stuck on 88%. I uninstalled it and reinstalled it but then my xbox kept freezing for some reason, and then it straight up crashed. I tried turning it back on but nothing was showing up on the screen. I then switched the HDMI to HDMI 2, but when I switched the channel it said there was a weak or no signal. My xbox was on so I tried holding the power button until it turned off. When it was off I held the disc tray button and the power button until it made two beeps, but it didn't work so I tried powering it off then holding the black button below the power button and the power button until it beeped twice, and it worked but when I tried resetting it, it would get stuck on 50%. I tried it over and over again but it kept getting stuck at 50%. I tried again much later and it finally reset. I logged into my account again and installed 3 games (not including far cry 4). I turned off my xbox and went to sleep and when I woke up I found my Xbox had been on all night somehow. I turned on my TV and it has no signal again. I tried doing the things that made it work last time but it won't give me a signal. Please help me. (edit): I tried switching my channel and it did switch even though it said weak or no signal but its but a black screen and the power button tricks still don't work.

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