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Infos et tutoriels pour réparer l'iPhone 8, sorti le 22 septembre 2017, modèles A1863, A1905.

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iPhone 8 unable to determine battery health

I recently bought an iPhone 8 that needed a new battery. I replaced the battery (from and it showed the battery health once and now whenever the phone is powered on the battery meter shows 1% remaining and in settings it says "Unable to determine battery health" in settings. Do I need to buy a new battery or is it something else? Thanks.

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i've heard this was an issue with SE2020's, but not the 8 - i could be wrong.

supposedly the solution is to use a reprogrammer like JC V1SE to give the newbattery the SN/ID of the old battery so IOS thinks it's the one that was installed at the factory. not sure if there's an easy fix if you don't have a reprogrammer.

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I have had this issue with the iPhone 6S and I found reseating the connector sometimes works or just leaving it for a week or so

I have found each methods to work on different occasions:-)

Hopefully this helps

Any questions please ask


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