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How to fix my laptop after I spelled on it some tea and milk

Fix your laptop after you spelled on it milk and tea

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@stars83494 make and model of the laptop? Unplug it and do not use it. If you can, disconnect the battery.


You would need to take the laptop apart and clean the circuit board with distilled water (regular tap water contains minerals that will leave a conductive residue, which will interfere with the operation of the computer signals), then let it dry (you can use a hair dryer on low heat to help dry under some components, but keep it moving, and not too close to the motherboard). Be warned though, that it is often near impossible to clean under some of the components, and just a bit of contamination will interfere with the very low-power signals of the computer. Liquid also tends to cause corrosion of any exposed copper, which will spell the end of the motherboard. My last experience cleaning a motherboard turned out to be futile, and I had to replace it at a cost of around $450 Canadian.

If you have never taken a laptop apart, this may not be a job you would want to do yourself. The components inside are extremely small, and very sensitive to static electricity. You could do more damage than good.


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@stars83494 for now, you want to stop continuing to try to charge or to turn your computer on. This potentially can make a bad situation worse as it may further damage your laptop.

The next thing to do is to clean it. Disassembling your laptop is a must. Since we do not know the make or model for this, we can not offer you any help with that. Disconnect and remove the battery. Remove the motherboard and any other board (I/O, Charging board etc.) You must remove all EMI shields from those boards, also the fans and heatsinks. You will have to reapply thermal paste after. If you do not remove those, you might as well not do anything. After you removed those, clean the whole board, connectors and all with +90% isopropyl alcohol. Follow this guide , and even so it was written for a, Apple iPhone 3G all the points are still pertinent to your laptop. While you clean your boards, check for any obvious damage, like burned or missing components etc. Do not forget to clean all the connectors, ribbon cables etc. When it is properly cleaned, you should consider replacing the battery. All these steps are to avoid delayed failure caused by corrosion. Best thing to do, would be to clean it with an ultrasonic cleaner, but if you do not have access to one, this will at least help. Once all of this is done, reassemble your laptop and reevaluate. Until it is cleaned, everything will only be a guess. Even with all this, water damage has only a small chance to be fully repaired, but at least you can give it a try.

If you get stuck with anything, or have found something that looks odd, post some images of that with your Question. That way we can see what you see. Once you let us know what make and model this is, we can probably help you with more details.

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