My Western Digital 1 TB external hard drive is not showing in my computer.
The drive light is on & I can hear the drive. But its not showing up on my desktop. Can anyone help me to backup the data from my hard drive. I have some very important data on it.
My Western Digital 1 TB external hard drive is not showing in my computer.
My Western Digital 1 TB external hard drive is not showing in my computer.
The drive light is on & I can hear the drive. But its not showing up on my desktop. Can anyone help me to backup the data from my hard drive. I have some very important data on it.
My WD 1 TB external harddrive is now showing in my computer. Light is on can hear the noice. but its not showing. any one can help me to backup the data from my harddrive. I have very important data in that.
My Western Digital 1 TB external hard drive is not showing in my computer.
The drive light is on & I can hear the drive. But its not showing up on my desktop. Can anyone help me to backup the data from my hard drive. I have some very important data on it.
My WD 1 TB external harddrive is now showing in my computer. Light is on can hear the noice. but its not showing. any one can help me to backup the data from my harddrive. I have very important data in that.