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Contribution d'origine par : William Chabot


G900H No Audio Error


I have a Galaxy S5 SM-G900H that is having issues with all audio related components.  The ear speaker, loud speaker, headset jack, and microphone are all not working.

Since the device was once soft bricked and was revived via a firmware update, I imagine this may be a firmware issue but I am unable to resolve it.  When I read the log via ADB I get this error constantly:

''Samsungpowersound: earphone state reading is failed''

I did remove all of the sound hardware from the device and the motherboard still reads this error when booted up not attached to the headset jack, ear speaker, and loud speaker.

Is this indicative of a bad Audio IC or is it possible even my third firmware flash has a corrupted file of some kind?


Samsung Galaxy S5

