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Version actuelle par : markparnell1972


Is it safe to ultrasonic barometer


Hi , i have a hubsan H107D+ , which is flying erratically  , i taken it apart and it looks like the previous owner had tried to oil the motors or something  !! , there are 2 boards,   a PCBA receiver  board and  a 5.8 GHZ TX camera module which seem to be covered in a fine oil  !! infact theres oil all over it inside .

I would like to put the boards through my ultrasonic cleaner  but the PCBA board has a barometer on it (see photo)


[|Barometer Chip]

Is it a big no no to run a barometer through a cleaner ?


Hubsan X4 107L



Réponse acceptée:


Modifié par : Dan


Is it safe to ultrasonic barometer


Hi , i have a hubsan H107D+ , which is flying erratically , i taken it apart and it looks like the previous owner had tried to oil the motors or something !! , there are 2 boards, a PCBA receiver board and a 5.8 GHZ TX camera module which seem to be covered in a fine oil !! infact theres oil all over it inside .
-I would like to put the boards through my ultrasonic cleaner but the PCBA board has a barometer on it (see photo) [|barometer]
+I would like to put the boards through my ultrasonic cleaner but the PCBA board has a barometer on it (see photo)
-is it a big no no to run a barometer through a cleaner ?
+[|Barometer Chip]
+Is it a big no no to run a barometer through a cleaner ?


Hubsan X4 107L



Contribution d'origine par : markparnell1972


Is it safe to ultrasonic barometer


Hi , i have a hubsan H107D+ , which is flying erratically  , i taken it apart and it looks like the previous owner had tried to oil the motors or something  !! , there are 2 boards,   a PCBA receiver  board and  a 5.8 GHZ TX camera module which seem to be covered in a fine oil  !! infact theres oil all over it inside .

I would like to put the boards through my ultrasonic cleaner  but the PCBA board has a barometer on it (see photo)   [|barometer]

is it a big no no to run a barometer through a cleaner ?


Hubsan X4 107L

