The part is a NTC (negative temperature coefficient) Thermistor not a capacitor.
Have found the code SCK is used by Thinking Electronics company for their NTC thermistors.
Searching online I have found that the code SCK is used by Thinking Electronics company for their NTC thermistors.
Here's a [|link] to the data sheet for the SCK series NTC thermistors.
Unfortunately your part number is not listed.
Could you verify that that is all that is written on the part itself.
If there is no other information then perhaps you could [|contact] the manufacturer and ask what the code means or if there is an equivalent replacement.
The part is a NTC (negative temperature coefficient) Thermistor not a capacitor.
Have found the code SCK is used by Thinking Electronics company for their NTC thermistors.
Here's a [|link] to the data sheet for the SCK series NTC thermistors.
Unfortunately your part number is not listed.
Could you verify that that is all that is written on the part itself.
If there is no other information then perhaps you could [|contact] the manufacturer and ask what the code means or if there is an equivalent replacement.
Hopefully this is of some help.